IRS-2R 2 Channel RS232 Relay & DAQ Card

11.85 $ + GST


2 channel RS232 Relay & DAQ Board -iRS-2R

Welcome to the world of Computer Automation. This RS232 Relay Board – iRS-2R is a perfect companion for all your computer automation projects.

It is RS232 based card having 2 on board relays for switching
external devices and up to 4 Digital Input/Output and Analog channels .

The Analog channels have 10 bit resolution for connecting many sensors to measure parameters like Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Magnetic etc.
It uses existing Com Port ( you can choose the available one), which allows easy communication with the card.

Any programming language that supports serial communications ( C, C#, C++, VB, VB.NET,Perl, Java etc) can be used to communicate with iRS-2R very easily. Easy to use commands are available to communicate with iRS-2R for Switching On/Off of Relays and playing with Input/Output channels and analog inputs.